Accessory Pack No.2, released in 1957, was an articulated Bedford Car Transporter. This model was able to carry four Matchbox cars, two on the lower deck and two on the upper. In these early days of Matchbox toys there were no hinged deck or ramps, so there was no obvious way of loading and unloading cars on the upper deck. The Bedford Car Transporter is the most interesting of the Matchbox Accessory Packs as far as variations are concerned, not least because it exists in a rare colour version and was also the Accessory pack model which had the longest production run (and therefore more opportunity for variations).
The first version had metal wheels fifted in common with other Matchbox vehicles of the time, although the wheels were larger than those fiftted to any other model, excepting the Yesteryear series. The sides of the transporter trailer were decorated with the words “Matchbox” Car Transporter’ applied with a printing process unlike other Matchbox models (which had decals at this time). Earlier issues had the lettering much wider spaced than later versions, the overall length being 50mm rather than 37mm.
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