Diecast Toy Car,Diecast Car,Diecast Vehicles, Model Car for Collectible-Matchbox,Corgi, Lledo, vanguard, Hot Wheels
The six-wheel M3 Personnel Carrier (49a) was the first of ten military vehicles to be issued in the ‘1-75’ range. It was painted in the traditional olive green and the rear pairs of wheels were rollers inside grey trucks, though some of the final issues were found with green tracks. The front wheels changed from metal to grey plastic in 1959, and finally to black plastic. There was usually a correlation between the wheels and the rollers, but examples exist of grey wheels with metal rollers and grey wheels with silver plastic rollers. The wheels and the rollers may be found in different sizes. A bonnet decal featuring a white star in a circle was included on all variants, though models with metal wheels are known to exist without decals. Originally the body was crimped to the base but later a river was used instead. Several minor variations exist around the bogie wheels. The model is comparatively easy to find today, for in the 1960s it proved to be very popular and sold for more than nine years.
The Porsche Boxster Cabriolet is an extremely fine model, correct in shape, beautifully painted and with fine detail. As with most models in the larger scale, there are operating feautres such as steering, opening doors and so on, but these are all a good fit. A stunning model which has the sleek lines of the actual car just right.
A 1/18th scale model is certain to look impressive in the display cabinet, and that certainly is the case with the Chevrolet Corvette of 1958 as modelled by Motormax. This open version looks stunning in its red and white, with plenty of chrome trim. This trim extends to such areas as the interior of the car, with the instrument panels neatly shown.
The bonnet opens to reveal a highly detailed engine, while the boot like wise opens. The front wheels steer, and have suspension, while the doors also open.
Fortunately all the opening features are a good fit, so do not detract from the overall appearance of this fine model.
Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-18C 1918 Atkinson Steam Lorry was made in England by Matchbox International in 1986. It is 11 cm long an...