Diecast Toy Car,Diecast Car,Diecast Vehicles, Model Car for Collectible-Matchbox,Corgi, Lledo, vanguard, Hot Wheels
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
In today's online market, there are many ways for the average Joe to buy and sell goods which have added options to the former yard sale generation. Ebay has skyrocketed the possibilities in which consumers can both seek out and get rid of various item from purses to houses to small collectibles. Auction prices are set by sellers and revised accordingly as supply and demand warrants. It is astounding how many items a simple search will provide, even on a focused area such as diecast cars. Since the popularity of diecast cars is increasing exponentially with the new designs that the marketplace is offering, the online demand for the products has increased proportionally. One can find many opportunities to build a collection simply by logging on to Ebay. Alternatively, one can sell parts or entire collections through the same venue. All it takes is a computer, digital camera, and a little know how to become a successful diecast merchant on the internet.
Ebay is the most reputable online auction service. It has many safeguards in place to protect both buyers and sellers and to preserve its good name. While using Ebay once may assume they are in pretty good hands. However, vigilance is always necessary in the online auction world. Obviously there are always "bad guys" who are out to get novice consumers and take advantage of their lack of experience. The people at Ebay go great lengths to ensure your protection such as shutting down phony auctions and people who bid fraudulently to increase the bid price. These safeguards are useful, but not perfect. For this reason one must always utilized common sense when buying or selling diecast cars on Ebay.
Another website devoted to selling cars is gomotorbids.com, a division of gomotorsports.com. This site operates a bit differently than Ebay in that the cars can only be bought, not sold. Due to this fact, the site is more of an online store with an auction format. The company owns all of the cars being sold and the operators of the website ensure that all sales are completed with accuracy and legitimacy. Also, all bids begin at one dollar, eliminating the "reserve" sometimes seen on Ebay to inflate bidding prices. This site boasts that the consumer will be satisfied with every sale on gomotorbids.com due to its policies and safeguards.
When faced with the decision of where to buy and sell diecast collectible cars, one must consider all options. Of course yard sale type business including trading with acquaintances is always an option, but not often feasible. It requires a lot of time and includes traveling to destinations in order to make purchases and/or sales. The alternate option of internet merchandise fits into the lives of many more collectors. It is a personal decision, but once made, collectors find themselves accomplishing their goals of both accumulating and selling diecast cars for display.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as a collectible cars at www.diecast-racing-collectibles.com
Monday, March 24, 2008
After the Second World War ended in 1954, the condition of the economy of the World began to develop slowly. The ban of using zinc which was the main ingredient of making die-cast toys was dismissed. (The metal, at that time called Mazac Metal) The toy industries in England began to develop. A lot of toys had been made in the important circumstances. It made much more people turned to be interested and collected toys. One of that was The Gold State Coach. It was a toy or one of a replica toy that was a part to enlighten Britain to the golden era of die-cast toys.

The Royal Marriage Ceremony of the Queen Elizabeth II of the Great Britain was arranged on June 2, 1953 at the West Minster Church. The important ceremonial car was the Golden State Coach. It was assembled during a period of the King George III. The completion was delayed until 1762. The car was used during a period of King George VI
This replica of the Gold State Coach was assembled for the memory of the Royal Marriage Ceremony of the Queen Elizabeth II by many English leading toy companies such as Britain, Lesney, Crescent. However, the first company seemed to be Britain (founded in 1860) by using a Hollow-cast Lead technique (the style of a hollow forging).
A convoy of the Gold State Coach included the King’s coach with the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II sitting inside. There are eight horses drawn with four cavalry officers sitting on horsebacks lining on the left. The coach was 8 inches long. The convoy of coach was a 14 inches. Between horses and plated gold coach connected by steel wire. The horses and cavalrymen were painted by hand in black. At the same time it began to produce a smaller mode1 (No.1478 ) by scaling down and reduced horse drawn to 4. It was 6.25 inches long. All details were absolutely beautiful.
Besides Britain, Lesney (whose produced Matchbox during those period) also made two sizes of the Gold State Coach. The length of the big one was 15.75 inches and the smaller one was 4.5inches. There were both gold and silver. The horses and cavalrymen were painted by hand.
Thereafter 40 years, Lesney became Matchbox International in 1991 It had produced the Gold State Coach once again for the remembrance of the anniversary of 40 years of Queen Elizabeth II ascending the throne. It was one of the Matchbox’s Models of Yesteryear set. The collectors around the world knew in this matter. It was under a code YY-66 limited output (It was not mentioned the number of the output) A total length was 7 inches. The coach and horse drawn cart connected by the axis steel. The body of the car was gilded. It was kept in a window box. Its colour is very beautiful.
To collect thing, whatever it is, if we added the stories, it will increase the value and knowledge for us.
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

From the Adam West TV show! 1:18 scale Batmobile ready to ride into your collection. Don't let this one pass you by! See more.

The 1950's version of The Jokermobile captures the comically-sinister personality of its villainous owner. Watch Out! When the Joker face is pressed, the cockpit dome pops open and The Joker is sitting in the driver's seat. Live the Batman Experience with Corgi's new line of DC Comics Batman Vehicles from past decades. This series of scale die-cast collectible vehicles with unique action features will be a must for comic book fans and collectors world wide! Size: 4.75 x 1.75 Scale: 1:43. Recommended for ages eight and up.
Product Features
· Pop open dome reveals THE JOKER sitting inside
· Measures approximately 4.75" x 1.75"
· Officially licensed from DC Comics
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Die-cast car of this weekend is the car that was used to promote or advertise various commodities. When mentioning to this kind of die-cast car, I have to refer to the Matchbox No.38 which is a Ford Model A. It was initiated the output in 1983 (Real car began the production in 1928 -1931. It had been sold more than 5 million cars)
Matchbox No.38 is the die-cast car that was produced in large amounts. There were hundreds of models. It was used to advertise many kinds of commodities including Tiger Balm of our Asian countries. The first version of Matchbox No.38 was produced in 1982. The body was blue. Champion spark plug was the most popular among the collectors (especially in America and England) until having issued a handbook of Matchbox No.38. Some models were very difficult to find owing to only a few hundred output. Matchbox No.38 was regarded as a well-known all-time favourite matchbox. In England, Matchbox No.38 that advertised Kellogg’s Corn Flakes has been sold more than 2 million cars.
Die-cast Matchbox No.38 showing you today advertises Tiger Balm. The car was produced in Thailand is the year 1993. It is one of six models from “Pill,Potions & Powders” set. It is 7.5 cm. long.

Aw Boon Haw built an amusement park and in Singapore and Hong Kong. They became to be tourist attractions until present time. Die-cast Matchbox No.38 had been photo taken by using the amusement park Aw Boon Haw as a background for all three pictures.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Author : Youkonton Ratarasarn

“C” refers to China
“A” refers to FAW (First Automobile Works). It was the name of the factory of the car.
The first “7” is a code number of the car.
The Second “7” means 7 seats
“0” is a kind of car (Limo)

In 1965 The Prime Minister of China, Joe En Lai denied the request of President Nixon who would bring his own car during his first visit China. He told Nixon not to worry. He welcomed Nixon with the best car in the world that built by China itself. It was this Hongqi CA770.
The President Mow Ze Tung, the leader during that period had used this model as his positional car, including welcoming various leaders such as Stalin of Soviet. This car was used by the leader of China for a long time since 1958-1983. The last Honqgi CA770 was produced in 1983. The latest model of Honqgi was Model Besturn. The current leader of China, Hong Gin Tow uses armored Audi A8 as his official car.
This die-cast car has a scale of 1:24 The length is 24.5cm. The Kader Precistion Model, USA had a permission from First Automobile Works which was a producer of Hongqi CA770 in 1997.
The details of the die-cast car is very good. Even so, the rear mirror has a thin black curtain as a partition. Especially if we compare with the technical output of the last 10 years, this die-cast car is incredible. Lastly, I would like to repeat that it is the only Made-in-China die-cast car I feel good with.

Throughout the James Bond series of films Q Branch has given Bond a wide variety of vehicles with which to battle his enemies. Among the most noteworthy gadgets Bond has been equipped with have been various vehicles that have numerous modifications to include weapons systems, anti-pursuit systems, alternate transportation modes, and various other functions.
This is actual white Esprit S1 used in the famous chase sequence in The Spy Who Loved Me. It evades the lovely Caroline Munro in her helicopter by driving off a pier and then converting into a submarine, complete with mines and rockets to get rid of any unwanted attention. This is a very early car and was purchased directly from Lotus Cars in 1998

Friday, March 7, 2008

The amazing Corgi James Bond Aston Martin toy is a 20th century classic and probably one of the most famous die-cast models ever made.
The James Bond Goldfinger film, starring Sean Connery and Honor Blackman, was released in 1964 and became an instant success. The film company Eon Productions commissioned Aston Martin for the use of two DB5 Aston (registration BMT 216A and FMP 7B) for the film, and also used both cars for the following film Thunderball.
Both cars were in a silver birch paint finish, one as the “effects” car and the other as the “road car” The “effect” car was adapted by John Stears and the Special Effects Team to accommodate retractable machine guns, nail and oil distributors, smoke generators, ramming overriders and extendible axle shafts to act as tyre-slashers.
James Bond Aston Martin DB5 & Figures - Goldfinger. This vehicle includes Spiked Wheels, Side Mirrors, Rear Bulletproof Screen, Ejector Seat, Rear Tire Slasher and Machine guns. This is the most popular James Bond vehicle to date with more then 20 million sold.
Product Features
James Bond
Aston Martin DB5
1:36th Scale Model
Diecast Model 4" in length
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Its a big book and plenty of clear colour photos of so many examples throughout.covers every era of Matchbox toys.This type of book is superior over the wide but short books printed by this publisher.There is so much information here no matter whether you are devoted collector or just love looking at the old toys you had.This book will please most people.Its good value and high quality.
Book Description :
The international scope of Matchbox toys is illustrated through catalogs, boxes, and labels on toys printed in a dozen languages. Certain toys have been made for sale in specific countries or to promote specific companies or products. The numbering system on miniatures changed in 1982 when worldwide toys began different numbering systems. The result of all these variables is a fascinating and infinite variety of Matchbox toys.
Author Charlie Mack started the Matchbox USA club in 1977 and has opened the Matchbox & Lesney Toy Museum in part of his home in Durham, Connecticut. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Buy now.
In 1936, Jean Boulanger and Pierre Michelin, the executives of Citroen had requested a team of engineers to design an economy car that was small comfortable and easy to drive. The system of the understructure must be soft as if someone place a basketful of eggs in the car running across the field, the eggs must not break.
After three years of Citroen engineers congregation, they discovered the original style of a unfamiliar appearance. It was designed by one of the teamwork whose name was Deux Chvaux. The body of the car was aluminium. The system of the understructure was made of metal magnesium for a light weight. It had only on front light and a wiper that must be used by hand to operate. It had two pistons engines, using water to cool the heath and cycling the starter by hand.
After the World War II was ended, the oil was hard to find. This Citroen began to receive intention from the producer, due to many aspects of the appearance. 2CV associated with a living status of French and after situation in a period of war.
The engine of the 2CV used air-cooled engine instead of water-cooled. The understructure was changed into steel. The front light and wiper was added into two and the engine room was changed to a new gear.
Finally, after the more than ten year of design and alteration, 2CV appeared to public for the first time in Paris Motor Show 35 in 1948. Thereby, on October 7, Boulanger, chairman of the Citroen and Vincent Auriol, the French president had exhibited Citroen 2CV which was strange looking and was made fun by many people in that period. On the other hand, it was impressive to French people very much. Owing to its clever design an the price that cost only 185,000 Franc. It was the lowest price in the market at that time.
2CV began the trade in 1948 naming the Model A using the 375 CC engine.
In 1954 it was renamed to AZ and the engine was changed to 425 CC.
In 1956 it released a special model with aluminum body named Model 2ZL. Therefore, it had been altered many times on small details such as Model AZLP and Model AZAM. Until July 27, 1990 at 4pm (GMT), the last Citroen 2CV had been assembled in Portugal. The number of the production around the world was 7,301,278 cars in more than 40 years. Citroen 2CV met with success and sold very well. Sometimes, the buyers had to wait fro more than 5 years in order to have the ownership. The cost of 2CV had never fluctuated.
Citroen 2CV was mentioned a lot about the ability to run in a various conditions, from desert to high hill and even waded water and mud included a long distant. For instance, in 1953-1954 Jaques Comet and Henri Lochon traveled 52,000km from North America to South America, Africa Spain and France.
In 1958, two students, Jean Baudot and Jacques Sequiela traveled by 2CV around the world with a distance of 100,000km. Beside that, there were many big rally , for example, the Raid Paris-Perspolis-Paris in 1970.
This die-cast car was produced by Maisto. It was not mentioned the year of the released but it seems older than 5 years. It was even more impressive since it was originally create in Thailand.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2. “Extras” for fire engines were soon available. Bing for instance introduced and American Escape Ladder in 1904 and a fire house with room for three vehicles in 1909
3. British-based companies like Mettoy, who went on a create the corgi range, were making a number of models based around the fire theme in the 1930s.
4. In 1938 Dinky made a diecast fire engine with six tinplate firemen. Mint boxed versions of this model can be worth up to £500 today. In 1955 Matchbox had introduced a Dennis-based vehicle into their 1-75 range and other UK-based companies like Budgie, Lone Star and Corgi soon followed.
5. The lasted Corgi model fire engine available at the moment is the Mack B aerial ladder truck in the colours of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania.
From:The Diecast Collector Magazine
November 1997 Issue 1
Saturday, March 1, 2008

“Tour de France” was a program of cycling tournament. It was well-known grade of the world by passing a various geographical countries. In France and sometimes passing through neighboring countries with a distance of 3000 km. consumed more than 20 days of cycling. It was first organized by Henri Desgrange in 1903. The first winner was a French, Maurice Garin and the winner at the present time in 2007 was Alberto Contador from Spain.

Due to the contest, “Tour de France” had many impressive viewers followed-up the race. Consequently, it was filmed in many cinemas by a distinguished director who received the Oscar Award and giant cinema company such as Paramount. This became the source of die-cast Renault R16. The car was made by Corgi in England between 1968 – 1972 by receiving a license from the Paramount Company, USA. The length of the car from front bumper to the camera lens in the back of the car was 11.9 cm. long. The wide was 3.7 cm. The height was 5.1 cm.

This Renault R16 had been added the area at the back in order to place the cinematograph and the cinematographer. There was a metal plate with Paramount logo on the top of the car. There was a driver sitting in the car. The wheels of the vehicle were made of tire. The hubs of the wheels were made of metal. The spare parts of the body were mainly made of metal including the cinematograph and a tripod. The lens of the cinematograph was made of crystal and could spin around as a real one, resulting it to be costly die-cast car. Its interesting story caused it to be required by many collectors.
Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-18C 1918 Atkinson Steam Lorry
Matchbox Models of Yesteryear Y-18C 1918 Atkinson Steam Lorry was made in England by Matchbox International in 1986. It is 11 cm long an...
This model was based on a basic German street sweeper as produced by Faun. The model had an outstanding rotating side gulley brush as we...
The Lizard is the ultimate destination of this vehicle on route 527. It carries the registration number VDV 141S and fleet number 941 and c...
In 1955, Chevrolets gained a V8 engine option.Bel Airs could be ordered in convertible, hardtop coupe, 2 and 4 door sedans. 1955 Red Chev...